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The Reading Racer





Rationale: This lesson is designed to improve students reading fluency. Reading fluently means that a student has the ability to read at a fast, even pace and with expression. They must first be able to decode words in the text they’re reading to have reading fluency. In this lesson students will read decodable books repeatedly to gain reading fluency. This lesson encourages students to practice reading decodable books fast and smooth. Student’s will build fluency by first reading these decodable texts independently and then timed by a partner for 1 minute three times.



  • Timers/stopwatches

  • Class set of book: Monkeys, Monkeys!

  • Recording time sheet

  • White Board and Markers (for teacher’s use)

  • Speed Reading Record Sheet and Partner Check Sheet

  • Fluency chart for each student (A laminated paper with a big track, Runner is velcroed on and the more WPM the closer the runner gets to completing a full circle around the track)


Speed Reading Record:

       Name:_________________________            Date:___________


                         After 1st read            _______

                         After 2nd read           _______

                         After 3rd read            _______



Partner Check Sheet:

When I take note of my partners read, he/she can:

                                                                                    After 2nd           After 3rd

                        1. Remembered more words         _______          _______

                        2. Read faster                                    _______          _______

                        3. Read smoother                            _______          _______

                        4. Read with expression                 _______          _______





1) To introduce the lesson I will first explain that in order to become a better reader, we have to be able to read quickly, and with expression. "Can anyone tell me what it means to read fluently? You are absolutely right; it means to read fast and it also means to read with expression. When we first begin to read, we sometimes get stuck over certain words, but with lots of practice we can read words easily. One way we can become better and faster readers is to reread stories over and over again. That is what we are going to be doing today!"

2) "To help us with those tricky words that we get stuck on we are going to use our cover-up critters to help us. Watch how I use my critter to help me read the word. (Write the word stick on the board) "If I am having trouble with this word, I first cover up everything but the vowel. The vowel in this word is 'i'. (Use finger and critter to cover up word) "/i/ next uncover the letters before the i, but keep the critter on the end of the word.  /s/ /t/ /i/." (Uncover rest of the word) Now I put it all together to read the word.  See /s/ /t/ /i/ /k/. stick!"  "Great job! Now when you are stuck on a word, you can use your critter to help you read it! Remember to always start with the vowel first."

3) Now I will show the students the difference between reading a sentence fluently and not reading it fluently.  I will write the sentence "Bob and Sally went to the store."  I will read it very slowly at first to show them how a reader who is not fluent would read it. "Booob and Saaaalllly went to the ssstttooore."  Then I would read it more fluently and faster to show how a fluent reader would read it.  I will read it very smoothly, and with expression. "Bob and Sally went to the store." Then I will ask, "Did anyone notice the difference in how I read the sentence?  Could you tell that one was smoother than the other?  Right, the smoother reading was a more fluent reading and that's how we want to read.  Is it easier to understand when it’s read faster and smoother?  That's right it is! Now I want you to try and read faster and with expression!"

4) Next, each student will be given a copy of Monkeys, Monkeys! I will perform a book talk saying that  "This book is about a house full of monkeys! Monkeys are very active animals and they usually cannot stay still very long. They like to mess with things. So I wonder if they are going to get into trouble or mess up anything in this house. Let's read and find out."

5) After each student has read the book once independently they will get with their reading partner and do three separate one minute reads.  Students will time their partner reading and fill out the partner check sheet, evaluating their partner on fluency and expression. I will explain to them that they are going to be given stopwatches to time their partners reading. We will discuss the Speed Reading Record and the Partner Check Sheet and how to fill them out. "Okay class, we are going to be timing ourselves reading. We are going to each read the story three times for one minute each. Your partner will tell you when the minute is up and how many words you read. They will also tell you whether or not you read smooth, fast, and with expression. Remember to mark your progress with your runner on the track to see how much faster you have read." During this time the teacher walks around and notes how each student is doing and answers any questions the students may have.

6) Assessment: During centers, I will pull each student individually for a one-minute read with the same book. When coming to be evaluated the student will bring their Reading Record Sheet and Partner Check sheet for me evaluate and to add to my assessments.  At the end I will have the student show me how much their runner has moved and we will move it if needed.



Baker, Ashley. Swinging into Faster Reading

Murray, Bruce.  Developing Reading Fluency

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